Eco-Friendly Campus

Energy conservation

The University is taking the possible initiatives for energy conversation and the new buildings of the University are being designed accordingly to save the energy. The employees and students are advised to use the natural light, turn off the switches of lights, fans etc. whenever not in use, use of LCD monitors for computers, use of tube lights and LE lights instead of bulbs etc. There are sufficient cross ventilation in laboratories and class rooms to avoid the unnecessary use of electricity.

Use of renewable energy

The University has taken several initiatives to make eco-friendly. The use of solar energy specially for heating water in student hostels has been attempted in one of the largest hostel on campus and has been a successful experience. The street lighting in some sections has been made functional with solar energy.

Water harvesting

There has been wide plantation throughout the campus and Bundelkhand University. The University is one of the greenest campuses in the region. Most of the buildings have been provided with front parks.
The University is in the process of preparing rain water harvesting system in all the new buildings.

Waste Management

The biological waste from various laboratories is collected on weekly basis by the Cleaning Contractor. All other solid waste of residences, hostels and campus is being collected and disposed off at the space identified by Municipal Corporation. Treatment of waste water by Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and reuse of treated water for irrigation is in process by the Institute of Agriculture Science and Institute of Environment & Development Studies.

E-waste management

The University has followed the Government of India notification related to ewaste (Management & Handling) Rules 2011 that came into effect from May 1, 2012. These rules are circulated to all the Heads of Units and were advised to understand the definition of the e-waste mentioned at page no. 28, sub clause (k), of clause 3 of the said rules.

Efforts for Carbon neutrality

The students are not allowed to use the powered vehicles in the campus. They use only bicycles to move in the campus.

The first day of each month is celebrated as No Vehicles Day. The faculty staff and students are prohibited to use powered campus on that day.

Only LPG cylinders are used in hostels and other places for cooking.

Installation of Solar Water Heating system at all hostels is in process.

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